A digital, paper-free system capable of remotely authenticating users at any location and time.

What is eKYC?

eKYC, short for Electronic Know Your Customer or Electronic Know Your Client, is a procedure where a customer's identity and address undergo electronic verification via NID authentication. NID, Bangladesh's national biometric electronic ID scheme, plays a central role in this process by utilizing biometric data for secure electronic identification.

eKYC encompasses various methods for identity verification, including capturing information from IDs through OCR (Optical Character Recognition) mode, extracting digital data from government-issued smart IDs equipped with a chip and requiring physical presence, as well as utilizing certified digital identities and facial recognition for online identity verification.


Flexible Deployment

Flexible Deployment

Supports mainstream public cloud bases and private deployment and allows you to customize AI capabilities to meet your business requirement

High Security and Reliability

High Security and Reliability

Protects against most fake documents and Presentation Attacks (PA) to ensure the authenticity of ID Verification

Comprehensive Algorithms

Comprehensive Algorithms

Allows you to customize the eKYC process, which involves document verification, optical character recognition (OCR).

Data Compliance

Data Compliance

It only identifies masked feature data and does not store the data. This ensures data security

Effortless, Adaptable, and Affordable eKYC Solution

Facilitates rapid implementation of a personalized eKYC solution to fulfill your delivery needs efficiently.

Attack block rate


Secure and reliable liveness detection



Industry-leading recognition accuracy

AI-powered automation


Significantly reduced labor costs

Service availability


Improved business stability

ID verification in less than 500 milliseconds

How does Our KYC Work?
