Face Detection

Empowering Recognition: Unveiling Faces with Precision and Intelligence.

What is Face Detection?

Face detection, also known as facial detection, is a computer technology that relies on artificial intelligence (AI) to locate and recognize human faces within digital images and video footage. This AI-driven technology is frequently employed for real-time surveillance and tracking of individuals and finds applications in diverse sectors such as security, biometrics, law enforcement, entertainment, and social media.

The process of face detection relies on machine learning (ML) and artificial neural network (ANN) technology, contributing significantly to face tracking, face analysis, and facial recognition. In face analysis, the technology utilizes facial expressions to pinpoint specific areas within an image or video, aiding in the assessment of age, gender, and emotions. Within a facial recognition system, the initial step involves face detection, which is crucial for generating a unique faceprint. This faceprint is then compared and matched with other stored faceprints to facilitate identification and recognition processes.

Face Detection in less than 100 milliseconds

How does Our Face Detection Work?

Face Detection